Thursday, 17 March 2022

Implementing @property, @staticmethod and @classmethod from scratch

The builtin method decorators... aren't actually decorators?

Implementing @property, @staticmethod and @classmethod from scratch

I recently saw this blog by bas.codes that explained decorators in Python, and used @property and @staticmethod as examples. However, in reality those aren't really decorators. So I wanted to make a continuation to it, by explaining how these are really implemented.


@property allows us to create getter and setter functions for a property in Python. Instead of defining a get_x() and set_x() method as you would in other languages, Python lets you turn normal attribute access and assignment into function calls:

class C:
    def __init__(self):
        # Private data
        self._x = 42

    def x(self):
        print("Running getter")
        return self._x

    def x(self, new_value):
        print("Running setter")
        self._x = new_value

c = C()
c.x = 10

This is the output:

$ python property.py
Running getter
Running setter
Running getter

Simply accessing c.x and assigning it a new value runs the defined functions. Isn't that neat?

So when we do:

class C:
    def x(self):

The "decorator" part of it is the same. As in, you can also write this like so:

class C:
    def x(self):

    x = property(x)

So we are still wrapping x, but property(...) doesn't return a function. It returns a descriptor object.

So what's a descriptor

Once x has been wrapped with @property, c.x is no longer a normal value or function that exists on the object. It has a really weird behaviour: When you try to access c.x, a function is called. This function call is what gives the value of c.x, not the x object itself.

Regular class objects don't behave like this at all. For example:

def some_function():
    print("Running function")
    return 42

class C:
    x = some_function

c = C()
$ python property.py
<bound method some_function of <__main__.C object at 0x7f0713093b50>>

c.x is a function in this case, but you can see that simply accessing it doesn't run it. That's how Python normally works.

To be able to turn attribute access into a function call, you need descriptors. That's pretty much all that they do: turn attribute access and assignment into function calls.

Let's see how they work with an example:

class MagicNumberDescriptor:
    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        return 42

class C:
    x = MagicNumberDescriptor()

c = C()
print(c.x)  # output: 42

When Python sees the __get__ method in a class, it automatically turns its objects into descriptors. Python has special hooks in place, where when you try to access the descriptor, Python's runtime triggers __get__ for you.

Yeah, the answer ends up being "black magic" in the end. But this little bit of magic allows us to do a lot of cool things.

Similarly, attribute assignment calls the __set__ method. With this we can create a variable that behaves like our property:

class ValueDescriptor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 42

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        return self.value

    def __set__(self, obj, new_value):
        self.value = new_value

class C:
    x = ValueDescriptor()
    y = ValueDescriptor()

c = C()
print(c.x)  # 42
print(c.y)  # 42
c.x += 10
print(c.x)  # 52
print(c.y)  # 42

This is cool, but we are still far away from implementing @property, as:

  • Currently, descriptor data is disjoint from object data. We can't access self.value from c, and so we can't make self.value affect other parts of the object. Unlike @property, where the underlying self._x value is still within the class and can be accessed by other methods.
  • Right now, there's just one __get__ and __set__ method for all the descriptors that we define. If we want to customize the getter or setter function, like adding data validation, we need to create a new descriptor class everytime.

With these things in mind, let's implement a descriptor that is a lot more flexible.

Implementing @property

Let's start with implementing a my_property class, which works the same way as property:

class C:
    def __init__(self):
        self._x = 42

    def x(self):
        return self._x

We need my_property to be a descriptor class, because we're essentially doing x = my_property(x) through the descriptor. This is what It looks like:

class my_property:
    def __init__(self, getter_func):
        self.getter_func = getter_func

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        return self.getter_func(obj)

class C:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._x = 42

    def x(self):
        return self._x

Here's how it works:

The decorator behaves like x = my_property(x), so we're storing the original x function in self.getter_func.

Then when c.x is accessed, we just call the getter function, and pass it obj. obj is the object c, it's needed to be passed because that becomes the first parameter self. (We'll see a little more about this soon!)

You might have noticed that __get__ gets two parameters passed in by default, obj and cls. They're the object that tried to access the descriptor, and its class respectively. This goes to show how intertwined descriptors are with classes: The __get__ method doesn't ever get triggered if you make the descriptor object outside of a class:

>>> class D:
...     def __get__(self, o, c): return 42
>>> d = D()
>>> d
<__main__.D object at 0x7f2dde293460>

The "black magic" is only triggered when the descriptor is a class attribute.

Let's also implement the setter functionality, and make the setter a little more interesting: Let's make it such that you can only increase the value of x:

class my_property:
    def __init__(self, getter_func):
        self.getter_func = getter_func
        self.setter_func = None

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        return self.getter_func(obj)

    def setter(self, setter_func):
        self.setter_func = setter_func

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        if self.setter_func is None:
            raise RuntimeError("This attribute cannot be set!")

        self.setter_func(obj, value)

class C:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._x = 42

    def x(self):
        return self._x

    def set_x(self, new_value):
        if new_value < self._x:
            raise ValueError("new value must be bigger than old one")

        self._x = new_value

c = C()
print(c.x)  # 42
c.x += 1
print(c.x)  # 43

The @x.setter decorator doesn't do anything special, it just stores the setter function to be called in __set__.

There is one small issue, however, with this code:

$ python -i property.py
>>> print(c.set_x)

With @x.setter, we're essentially doing set_x = x.setter(set_x). And since setter doesn't return anything, we now have a set_x defined on the class for no reason.

To avoid this, Python mandates that the setter function has the same name as the getter function. But if we try to do that:

class C:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._x = 42

    def x(self):
        return self._x

    def x(self, new_value):
        if new_value < self._x:
            raise ValueError("new value must be bigger than old one")

        self._x = new_value

We have this problem:

$ python -i property.py
>>> c = C()
>>> print(c.x)

Since setter doesn't return anything, now c.x has been set to None.

To work around this, Python actually creates a new descriptor object. So, we replace the old x (which only had a getter function) with a new x (which has both getter and setter functions). Like so:

class my_property:
    def __init__(self, getter_func, setter_func=None):
        self.getter_func = getter_func
        self.setter_func = setter_func

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        return self.getter_func(obj)

    def setter(self, setter_func):
        return my_property(self.getter_func, setter_func)

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        return self.setter_func(obj, value)

class C:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._x = 42

    def x(self):
        return self._x

    def x(self, new_value):
        if new_value < self._x:
            raise ValueError("new value must be bigger than old one")

        self._x = new_value

When x.setter is called, we store setter_function and return a new property descriptor. That way x can now both get and set data.


staticmethod is comparatively simple: It just makes a class method which doesn't require a self parameter.

This is actually fairly easy to implement as a regular decorator function too:

def my_staticmethod(func):
    def wrapper(_):
        return func()

    return wrapper

class C:
    def foo():

c = C()
c.foo()  # prints 'foo'

But regular staticmethods also let you access them directly from the class:

class C:
    def foo():

C.foo()  # foo
c.foo()  # foo

If we try to do that:

$ python -i staticmethod.py
>>> C.foo()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: wrapper() missing 1 required positional argument: '_'

c.foo() is a shorthand for C.foo(c), so if you just call C.foo(), there is no first argument. So we need to make the _ optional:

def my_staticmethod(func):
    def wrapper(_=None):
        return func()

    return wrapper

To avoid having to do the wrapper(_=None) hack, we need to use descriptors.

Since we had to manually pass in the self parameter in our previous __get__ implementation, having no self is actually even easier for us. Like so:

class my_staticmethod:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        return self.func

class C:
    def foo():

See? Really simple.

>>> C.foo()
>>> c = C()
>>> c.foo()


classmethod is similar, but instead of having no arguments, it gets the class:

class C:
    def foo(cls):
        print("Class name is:", cls.__name__)

c = C()
C.foo()  # Class name is: C

Since __get__ already gets cls as its 3rd parameter, we just have to "bind" that as the first argument of the function. We can either return a new lambda function which calls function(cls), or we can use functools.partial:

from functools import partial

class my_classmethod:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        return partial(self.func, cls)
        # or:
        # return lambda: self.func(cls)

class C:
    def foo(cls):
        print("Class name is:", cls.__name__)

c = C()
C.foo()  # Class name is: C

Note: This is a *slight* simplification, the behaviour of calling __get__ directly is going to be different from how the builtin classmethod behaves. But, this is very rare in practice.

Extras: Methods are descriptors

Like in classmethod, if you put obj as the argument instead of cls, it makes a regular method. That's actually how methods work in Python:

from functools import partial

def print_name(self):

class Method:
    def __init__(self, method) -> None:
        self._method = method

    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
        return partial(self._method, obj)  # bind object as first argument

class User:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    print_name = Method(print_name)

user = User("George")
user.print_name()  # George

Python methods are descriptors internally, and that's where the first arg of self gets passed in from. Now you know.


There's a few things missing with the implementations above, like the deleter attribute in properties, type annotations, preserving function names and docstrings, and the like. I'll be leaving those for you to figure out yourself. Here's some resources if you need help with those:

And that's it. Hopefully this helped you understand descriptors and why you'd want to use them. There's some very interesting uses of descriptors outside of these three, and hopefully if you encounter such a situation, you'll remember this feature and be able to use it.